What to Do After an Uber or Lyft Accident

If you were injured in a Denver Uber or Lyft accident, you may be confused about what steps to take next and who is liable for your medical bills, property damage, and other accident-related losses. This is understandable.

Dealing with the stress and pain of Denver car accident injuries is difficult enough without making sure your legal rights are protected. The following offers tips on how to proceed following an Uber or Lyft accident.

These are general guidelines. For a personalized consultation, contact an experienced Denver Uber or Lyft accident attorney.waiting for rideshare

Steps to Take Immediately After an Uber or Lyft Accident

After a pedestrian, car, or Denver motorcycle accident with an Uber or Lyft driver, you should immediately call for police and medical assistance. This applies even if you do not feel hurt.

Many times accident victims are unaware of their injuries due to shock and adrenaline. Also, internal and brain injuries are difficult to detect without a medical examination.

Next, you should do the following:

  • Exchange information with the other party or parties to the accident including full names and phone numbers, driver’s license information, insurance policy numbers, and license plate numbers;
  • Get the responding officer’s badge number and business card;
  • Take photos of the accident scene, vehicle damages, and injuries if you are able;
  • If you were driving one of the vehicles, report the accident to your insurance company;
  • Report the accident to Uber or Lyft through their App or website;
  • Avoid making any statements admitting fault or apologizing for the accident at the scene or on social media; and
  • Contact an experienced Denver Uber or Lyft attorney before speaking with or providing a statement to other parties or their insurance companies. This includes anyone from Uber or Lyft who may contact you about the accident.

An Uber or Lyft attorney can be essential in determining liability for your accident and holding any negligent parties accountable for their actions. 

Liability in an Uber or Lyft Accident

While Uber or Lyft carry commercial insurance policies to pay for injuries caused by their drivers’ negligence, these policies only apply during active rideshares. A rideshare typically begins from the time a driver accepts rideshare on their App, through the passenger pickup, and ends at the final destination and passenger drop off.

When an Uber or Lyft driver is not engaged in an active rideshare, they are using their vehicle for personal reasons. Therefore, the driver’s car insurance coverage is engaged.

Insurance companies are for-profit businesses and will often blame one another or point the finger at the victim to limit the value of a claim or deny payment of a claim altogether. To ensure you receive fair and just compensation for your damages, pain and suffering, and injuries, reach out to a Denver injury lawyer for a claim review.

Contact an Experienced Denver Uber and Lyft Attorney Today

At Dulin McQuinn Young, our Denver Uber and Lyft attorneys, have a track record of success working with injured clients. We are trial attorneys and are known for our drive and determination.

Dulin McQuinn Young has decades of experience to put to work for you. We are honored to fight for accident victims’ rights and will gladly review your accident claim at no cost.

If you were injured in an Uber or Lyft accident, reach out to Dulin McQuinn Young to schedule your complimentary consultation today at (303) 246-1111.

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