How Can a Lawyer Help with a Slip and Fall Case?

While you may not need a lawyer’s help for a non-injury car accident, you may find the benefits of legal counsel greatly outweigh the costs in a serious slip and fall injury case. There are several reasons for this, many of which are discussed below.

If you suffered a slip and fall in Denver and have specific case questions, contact an experienced personal injury lawyer for more information. 

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Claimants with Lawyers are Taken Seriously

Claimants with lawyers are taken more seriously. Lawyers know premises liability law and deal with insurance adjusters every day. 

Insurance companies and their representatives are in the business of making money. They will not readily accept liability for an accident. Instead, they are likely to shift blame to the victim or claim the victim’s damages are not as severe as represented.

Lawyers Conduct Independent Case Investigations and Hire Expert Witnesses

Fault in a slip and fall case may not be obvious making investigation and evidence gathering crucial to building a strong, trial-ready case. Lawyers conduct independent investigations for their clients and hire expert witnesses when needed to reconstruct accident scenes and testify to accident-related injuries.

Lawyers Use Case Evidence to Prove Negligence

A lawyer will use all of the evidence gathered to prove the property owner’s negligence caused a client’s slip and fall, resulting in injuries. Proving negligence requires a legal showing that:

  • There was a dangerous condition on the property;
  • The property owner knew or should have known about it; and
  • The dangerous condition caused the client’s injuries.

Without proof of negligence and damages, an injury victim cannot recover monetary damages.

Lawyers Help Document and Argue for Damages 

Lawyers help slip and fall victims to document their injuries through evidence and argue for fair compensation for these injuries. Evidence in a slip and fall case might represent calculable items such as medical bills, invoices, and pay stubs. These are called economic damages.

It may also represent subjective, personal losses, called non-economic damages. Many times these damages are referred to as pain and suffering and mental and emotional trauma. 

Lawyers Know a Fair Settlement Amount

A lawyer will know what types of damages to request in a slip and fall case and what a fair settlement amount would be on a case-by-case basis. This is vital so that a client does not settle too soon or for an amount less than their current and future total accident-related expenses.

Lawyers Ensure Case Deadlines Do Not Expire

If a slip and fall claim does not settle, a lawyer will ensure a civil case is filed to preserve a client’s right to compensation for their injuries. They can also represent a lawsuit in court if appropriate.

Contact an Experienced Denver Slip and Fall Lawyer Today

Learn more about how a Denver slip and fall lawyer can help you by reaching out to Dulin McQuinn Young. We have a proven track record both inside and outside of the courtroom.

Dulin McQuinn Young will fight for your legal right to compensation. We aggressively stand up to corporations and large insurance companies.

Call Dulin McQuinn Young today to schedule a no-cost consultation with a slip and fall attorney. There is no risk to you, and we only get paid when we win compensation for you!

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