When After A Car Accident Should I Hire a Lawyer?

Car accidents can happen at any moment and can range from minor to severe, and everything in between. Often the aftermath of an accident can leave you confused, overwhelmed, and unsure of what to do next. While some accidents can be minor and simple to resolve by filing an insurance claim, other accidents can be more complicated and necessitate the help of an attorney.

If you find yourself in a situation where you are disputing liability, negotiating for a fair settlement, or facing other complex legal issues, it may be in your best interest to hire an attorney as soon as possible to ensure you meet important deadlines and don’t miss your opportunity to recover compensation.  

When After A Car Accident Should I Hire a Lawyer

Why You Should Hire A Car Accident Attorney As Soon As Possible After A Car Accident

Hiring an attorney as soon as possible after being involved in a car accident can have many benefits. An experienced car accident attorney can: 

  • Provide experienced legal guidance to protect your rights – with years of experience under their belt, they know what needs to be said and what should not be said. Additionally, they know how to skillfully navigate the legal system in a way that does not harm your case and gives you the best chance of getting the most possible compensation for your claim. 
  • Collect evidence before it deteriorates – the longer you wait to collect evidence after an accident, the more deteriorated it can become. Often security footage gets recorded over, and eyewitnesses’ memories can become fuzzy. When you begin working with an attorney as soon as possible after your accident, they can get to work collecting the necessary evidence to strengthen your case before it deteriorates. 
  • Communicate with insurance companies for you – it can be difficult for someone with limited legal knowledge to communicate with insurance companies as you may inadvertently share information that insurance companies can use to deny your claim. Your attorney will handle all communication with the insurance companies for you and use their extensive experience to advocate for your best interest. 
  • Meet crucial deadlines – when filing a claim, there are strict deadlines for legal proceedings. When you begin working with an experienced attorney as soon as possible after your accident, they will ensure that all necessary paperwork is filed promptly and correctly within the time constraints applicable to your situation. 
  • Accurately calculating damages – determining the full extent of your damages can be complicated as it requires the consideration of many factors, such as lost wages, medical expenses, future medical expenses, property damage, pain and suffering, and more. The sooner you begin working with an attorney, the sooner they can put their experience and knowledge to work to help you calculate an accurate and fair amount.
  • Navigate negotiations with insurance companies – In addition to communicating with insurance companies, your attorney will engage in negotiations with them to fight for your full and fair compensation. Insurance companies can use manipulative tactics, but an experienced attorney will have strategies to overcome the insurance company’s tactics. 

Do I Need A Lawyer After Any Car Accident?

Not all car accidents necessitate the representation of an attorney, especially if there were little to no damages sustained. However, in some situations, the assistance of an attorney can be essential. These situations may include:

  • Serious injury or death
  • Involvement of multiple parties
  • Uninsured or underinsured drivers
  • Disputed fault 
  • And more

If you are in need of a personal injury attorney after being involved in a car accident in Denver, contact Dulin McQuinn Young today.

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